Thing 30: DIY – You Pick

For this "Thing" I decided to look at Amazon Inspire which is according to their website:
"Your destination for K-12 educational resources" and
"Amazon Inspire is an open collaboration service that helps teachers to easily discover, gather, and share quality educational content with their community."

It had some interesting links when I looked at some searches to create new lessons but I thought compared to what I have used in the past it was not all that inclusive.

I decided to compile a list of other resources and then I decided to use symbaloo to put all the choices together in a single area.

I will first list the initial websites that I looked at and then point out how one of them edshelf has pages of other choices to look at.
Lesson Sites I looked at to compare to Amazon Inspire. The main site is bulleted and the links below each one are some of the examples that I looked at to check them out.

       - Chinese NY


         – sub group lesson plans
**Under EDSHELF this is a sample of 1 of 5 pages of lesson sites and links to each one

I decided to set up a symbaloo page to put out all of the choices to make it easier to access the different choices. I already have a home page with all of the regular links I use everyday but I am going to make a separate page for these.

Conclusion - There are a lot of choices. I will add Amazon Inspire as one of many to my page. It is in Beta test right now. I will be anxious to see how it develops.


  1. There are tons of lesson sites aren't there. Good idea to curate your choices, Symbaloo is a good choice. I haven't looked at Amazon's Inspire service recently. thanks for reminding me to take another look at it.


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